1. Most of the people study on the last night before the exam.
2. Many IITians drink and smoke a lot.
3. Few of the first day companies offer packages of 6-8 lakhs too.
4. Most of us are single contrary to popular belief.
5. Some of the students are better singer, instrumentalists, dancer, player and actor than the trained professionals.
6. IITians too fail in subjects very often.
7. Many private colleges have better infrastructure and mess food than IITs.
8. Many of us are better at arts and we came here just because our parents wanted.
9. Connection with seniors and officials matter a lot along with CV in internships.
10. Most of us talk more about movies, TV series, football, cricket, politics etc. rather than engineering and technology.
11. Majority of us like to show off that we are IITians, in first year. The number of such people decreases exponentially on being senior.
12. Some students from non CS departments are better coders than CS students.
13. Most of the teachers are below average. They give us a feel like we are not studying in an IIT.
14. Most of the classes see less than 50% attendance for whole year.
15. Many of us go for CAT & UPSC just because our parents want us to do so.
16. Very of few of us are interested in research or hardcore technology stuffs. Most of us believe that research sector doesn't pay well.
17. On our birthdays, we try to hide to escape from GPL. Alas! There is no escaping.
18. No matter how much we keep talking about the IITian girls being ugly, deep within we realise that there are very very gorgeous ladies also out there in the capmus.
19. If I have a CG of 9+ and my friend has a CG of 9-, many a times the reason behind this is the mood swings of laboratory instructors and tutorial teachers.
20. The guy who never attended any class and whom you taught just the night before exam can score more marks than you.
21. Most of us play and hangout around 1–2 am in night.
22. I had the data of packages of students and I must say that average package is almost half of what other people hope to be.
23. Seniors play bigger role in most of our lives than professors. Be it tips for scoring good marks, guidance for career, internship opportunities, CV building etc. it's seniors who help us a lot.
24. Seniors here strictly don't like to be called “Bhaiya” and “Sir”.
25. If a person is getting 100 likes within first hour on his/her DP, it necessarily doesn't mean that picture is good. It happens because of being IITian also.
26. If you find someone wearing IIT's T Shirt then either that was the only cleaned cloth he had or he is single! (Mostly applicable for first years especially when they are in hometown)
27. Most of our learnings come from internet via video tutorials, PDFs and DOCs.