Give yourself a giant boost of willpower to get you going!
How can you do that?
By asking yourself one small yet powerful question first thing in the morning:
What is the one thing I am committed to completing today?
Why is this question important?
- It simplifies your life so that you don’t overwhelm yourself with too many choices you need to make on any given day.
- It encourages you to think strategically about your life one day at a time.
- It keeps you focused on your goals instead of getting distracted by other things.
- It forces you to prioritize what it relevant to you.
- It serves as a personal promise to yourself to do something you've identified as critical to your personal progress.
How can you incorporate it into your daily life?
- Write it down: take a large sheet of paper and write the question in big bold letters.
- Hang it on your bedroom or bathroom wall so it's easy to see.
- Make it part of a unique background for your computer or cell phone.
- Use it as the main heading at the top of your journal entry for each day.
- Ask the question aloud as you are brushing your teeth or getting ready.
- Give an answer on the spot out loud, or write it down in your journal.
How will it improve the quality of your life?
- You ensure that you use your willpower only for what is most important to you, and you don’t waste it on things that are trivial, irrelevant, or distracting in any way.
- When you are focused on your personal commitments, it gives you a sense of purpose: it gives your life meaning, helps you understand you have something of value to contribute, and improves the quality of your day to day life.
- Knowing in advance the work you need to accomplish saves you time, so that you don't waste hours evaluating multiple priorities throughout the day.
- Committing to just ONE thing helps your brain perform more optimally, freeing it from cluttered thoughts and giving it space to concentrate on what you consider the most important goal of the day.
Want to know why willpower is so important in everything we set out to do, and why we should understand how it works so we can maximize it in our lives? Watch this 5-minute video that explains this concept in a fun yet practical way.