This happened during my college days .
1st year , Basic Electrical Engineering class. We had common classes with the Computer Science Engineering students , so every Electrical Engineering (Yes , my branch) student was excited to attend that particular class (CSE had most beautiful girls , most importantly , it had Girls!! :P).
I sat with my then room-mate who liked a girl in the CSE batch.
The scene :-
Professor engrossed in explaining some theorem ,some students trying to comprehend ,some of them trying real hard to fake attentiveness, most of them-"babe watching".
My room mate was constantly staring at his crush , it was so unsubtle, even the professor engrossed in his pedagogy notices him.
Let's call the professor 'P' , room-mate 'R' and his crush 'C'.
P: You with the pink top , stand up.
'C' stands up
P: what's your name and branch ?
C: It's 'C' from CSE.
'P' writes it on the white board
'R' is still staring as if this is what he was born for.
P: 'C' in which hostel are you residing, ?
C: Sir I'm a localite , residing at XYZ street , house number 1234 (Now she's getting uncomfortable)
P writes all that detail on the Board.
'R' still fulfilling the purpose of his birth
P: *very calmly* Black shirt at the back! Pay attention! *points towards the details collected*
XYZ street , house number 1234
"It's all there on the board , do you want me to get her number for you as well ? Visit her and do that yourself! , Now please.CONCENTRATE!!"
*Class bursts into laughter*
'R' experiences the most embarrassing moment of his life(till date).
I had the laugh of my life! :D
Answer 2.
Answer 2.
This happened when I was having my mid-sem exams in college.
As I am true Engineer, I always burn the midnight oil one night before the exam when I am truly fucked up.
So I was preparing for this particular subject whole night, I was determined to pass it!
The next day I got up late and reached the examination hall about 5 mins late.
The examiner gave me the answer sheet, and asked me the subject so that he can give me the question paper.
I went completely blank, I tried really hard but could not recollect the subject which I was preparing all night!
Everyone in the class were staring me, I could even hear giggling sounds.
After 5 mins of awkward silence.....
I said, "Sir I forgot"
The entire class burst into laughter.