Hi there. The first and foremost piece of information that I would like to convey to you is that you cannot spot reduce fat. You will have to work out the complete body to attain what you desire. You have taken the right initial steps to reduce the fat. But if you want to accelerate the fat burning process, I would recommend you to join a gym and do some kind of weight training designed for fat burning. Any plan which involves high intensity workout would be good for you. You can find plenty of such programs on the internet. I recommend weight training because the body continues to burn calories during the recovery time after the workout and hence aids in fat reduction. Other than this here are some tips which you can follow:
1. Drink lots and lots of water. Start your day with 2-3 glasses of warm water (you can add lemon and honey too).
2. Drink green tea and black coffee. They boost your metabolism.
3. Split your meals into smaller portions. Suppose if you eat 3 meals, split the same food into 5 meals at regular intervals. This will boost the metabolism.
4. Try to get your carbohydrates in complex forms.
5. Reduce sugar, fat intake in daily foods. You could also try the "no carbohydrates after 8 rule".
6. When performing cardio, prefer high intensity interval training (HIIT) over normal jogs/running. The idea is to shock the body.
7. Eat more and more greens. They are full of fibers and aid in boosting metabolism.
All the above measures were taken by me when I too was facing the same problem. So they have been tried and tested personally.
Hope this helps.