This one is short but deep. Happened in a cab in Chicago around 2006. Was more of an epiphany than a conversation.
I am sitting in front alongside the driver driving on the famous Michigan Avenue towards the loop. He is a black guy in his 50s, wearing a brown hat, and black sunglasses. I could not help noticing how amazingly smooth his driving was, his braking at the stop signs, without being too slow.
As we were cruising swiftly, suddenly a lady stepped onto the road though there was no pedestrian crossing allowed there. (Mind you, this is extremely rare in the US)
I immediately thought - "What the $#$#@%$!! Is she blind?????" And was expecting a reciprocal sarcastic comment from him as well. I can never forget his response.
He quickly and calmly slowed down on time, then regained speed. Smiled and exclaimed.
"Poor lady. She looked lost. Something must be really bothering her today. I hope she feels better soon"
It was like pouring a bucket of cold water on my head. It was the shortest and deepest lesson on how everything is just a matter of perspective. He could have been absolutely right, not just 'too nice'. But I simply reacted out of my negativity. Today whenever I do manage to pause before over-reacting emotionally, I always think that experience has to do something with it.