1. Do you need 5 alarms and phone calls to wake up?
2. Do you find only one sock from each pair and the other is nowhere to be seen?
3. Do you always reach the office/college late?
4. Do you frequently forget a file or document at home that is required the most in that day’s meeting?
5. Do you “forget” to call your parents?
6. Do you need reminders for your parent’s birthdays, anniversary etc.?
7. Do you go to market and think “what did I come for?”
8. Do you set goals for each day and cannot fulfill even half of them?
9. Do you always look tired?
10. Do you spend your free time sliding between channels, watching nothing, because you’re worried about work?
11. Do you always fail to plan a vacation for yourself?
12. Do you drink/smoke to reduce stress?
13. Do you have plenty of free time, but no time for yourself?
14. Do you screw up your relationships?
15. Do you only come up with “nothing” as an answer when you ask yourself at the end of the day, “What did I do today?”
If your answer to most of the question is YES, congratulations! You can call your life unorganized.