What was your biggest cultural shock while living in or visiting Saudi Arabia?

  • They drive super fast on roads. Occasionally you will notice some young men whirling right past you at over 250km/h in their cars.
  • petrol is dirt cheap(~$0.10/litre)(~6 INR/litre)
  • Food is cheap and plentiful. You can get almost every single kind of food here.
  • Saudi's usually are only allowed to marry within their tribes (and I thought India was uncool for having arranged marriages!)
  • Electricity is dirt cheap
  • Be prepared to learn Arabic if you want to communicate here
  • Do you love fashion or shopping? look no further. KSA is one of the best places in the world if you want to shop(Dubai is better). Women absolutely love it here. The fashion scene here is intense for women. If don’t have a $1000 pair of Gucci tights, well too bad, you won’t fit in.
  • They waste food a lot
  • Their weddings are very lavish.........they spend quite a lot on weddings
  • Women cannot drive, yet in towns and villages, women drive everywhere
  • Saudi's love to drift
  • The most popular cars among those under 30 years of age are Camry’s and Sonata’s. The most popular cars among those over 30 years of age are the Toyota Land Cruiser($95,000) and the Mercedes S-Class($120000+).
  • Crime rate is incredibly low. I'd say one of the safest in the world.
  • Strong hatred towards ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other Islamic extremists. Almost everyone in KSA hates them. Every week there are seminars and lectures by great Islamic mufti's and scholars about the devilish ISIS. If you talk about supporting terrorism in KSA, people are gonna beat you up
  • You will become fat here if you come......The food here is sooooo goood.
  • Beware vegetarians, you will not be able to get out of KSA as a vegetarian. Almost every vegetarian I know has turned into a voracious meat eater(I’m just implying that the food is so good that even vegetarians cannot resist)